Google Now Memungkinkan Anda Berbicara Dengan Smartphone ?
Google Now merupakan sebuah layanan canggih yang diintegrasikan kedalam sistem operasi Android teranyar, Lollipop. Google Now memungkinkan pengguna melakukan beberapa kustomisasi perangkat Android dengan perintah suara pemiliknya. Seperti menghidupkan WiFi, senter dan Bluetooth kini semakin praktis (atau mungkin lebih ribet untuk sebagian orang).
"OK, Google. Turn on WiFi" , contoh perintah tersebut merupakan komando untuk menghidupkan perangkat WiFi pada smartphone Lollipop anda. Dengan begitu, Google Now akan mengenali suara pengguna sehingga seolah anda sedang berbicara dengan 'benda mati'.
Contoh Perintah Google Now
Perintah Utama
“Go to [].”
“Search for [Samsung Galaxy S5].”
“Open [Gmail].”
“Take a picture.”
“Record a video.”
“Remind me to [call John at 6PM].”
“Remind me to [buy toilet paper at X shop].”
“Set an alarm for [6PM].”
“Create a calendar event: [Happy Hour at Union on Friday at 5:00PM].”
“Where’s my package?”
“Note to self: [remember to buy milk].”
“What’s the tip for [$42]?”
“Call [George Smith].”
“Call [Mom mobile].”
“Text [Lee that I’m running 5 minutes late].”
“Send email to [Rob Jackson, subject, Google Now, message, Check out these Voice Commands].”
“Listen to voicemail.”
“Find [Bruce’s] number.”
“When is [Mary’s] birthday?”
“Post to [Google+]: [Google Now is awesome].”
“Listen to: [TheDirty Projectors].”
“Play: [The Beatles].”
“What’s this song?”
“Play some music.”
“Watch [Toy Story 3].”
“What movies are playing tonight?”
“Where is [X-Men] playing?”
“Show me pictures of the [Chesapeake Bay Bridge].”
Navigasi dan Perjalanan
“Navigate to [Ocean City, MD].”
“[Biking] directions to [The Brewer’s Art].”
“Find [the Eiffel Tower].”
“Where is [the Empire State Building]?”
“Where’s the nearest [ice cream shop]?”
“Show me the menu for [Holy Frijoles].”
“Call [Ledo’s Pizza].”
“Show me my flights.”
“Where is my hotel?”
“What are some attractions in [Baltimore]?”
“What time is it in [London]?”
“Do I need an umbrella today?”
“What’s the weather in [Cape Cod] for [the weekend]?”
“Where was [Albert Einstein] born?”
“How old is [Brad Pitt]?”
“How do you say [‘hello’] in [Spanish]?”
“What does [onomatopoeia] mean?”
“What’s [Google’s] stock price?”
“What is [Twitter] trading at?”
“What’s [16 ounces] in [pounds]?”
“What is the square root of 2209?”
“When is sunset?”
“Did the [Orioles] win today?”
“How did [the San Francisco Giants] do?”
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